Team Growth Storytelling & AI Copywriting

Employee Advocacy, Online visibility & Content writing with AI
Team Storytelling | Emplyee Advocay & AI Copywriting Workshops & Training


People want to learn from and connect to people, preferably ones they know and trust. This is the main reason why personal profiles and posts on LinkedIn and other social platforms gather many many more views and engagement than company posts and profiles.

One of the most important things for companies - especially in B2B and SaaS - to achieve, is to get their employees to "advocate" for their brand, online. 

Meanwhile, many marketers, social media managers, and CMOs struggle with getting their employee advocacy programs off the ground. What's the solution?

First off: stop thinking about it as "Employee Advocacy".

Start thinking about employee advocacy in terms of "Team Growth Storytelling" where you lace the separate stories that people on your team share together, creating a greater story with greater impact in the world, as a team effort - thereby maximizing the growth of your audience, your people, and your brand.

Then, and only then, maximize your efficiency with the help of AI Storytelling.

Writing trainings and Employee Advocacy workshops for Growth Story Alignment, online visibility & personal growth

Through several workshops, I help your team make themselves easily and effectively visible online, with the right story and fitted to the right audience.

I do this based on three steps:

1. Online Visibility & Storytelling Basics - 1850 EUR [10 people max]

[Writing & Online Visibility Basics]
How do you start being visible online as a team and as a professional? And how do you approach this strategically? In a series of two workshops we will address this, using practical writing assignments that will help you learn as you go, and at the same time provide the first stories that you can already start publishing after the workshops.

We also learn how to make this process faster and easier with the help of AI.

2. Team Growth Storytelling - 1850 EUR [10 people max]

[Employee Advocacy & Growth Story Alignment]
How are your company's story and mission linked to the stories and missions of the people on your team(s)? And: how can you help your team to tell the story themselves so that both the organization and the people can grow faster? In 2 workshops we will work on this, crafting further stories that are better aligned with the Brand and its values.

We deepen our knowledge of how to make this process faster and easier and how to build our strories out strategically with the help of AI.

3. Purpose & Personal Growth Storytelling - 5000 EUR

[10 people max]

With a Personal Storytelling, Purpose & Growth Workshop program I help your people first find their own Growth Story. In six two-hour sessions plus daily exercises, your people will search for their own Purpose and their own Growth Story under my guidance.

Team Storytelling Strategy 

Embedding Employee Advocacy in your Marketing Strategy and process - 1800 EUR

We hold a workshop where we gather insights about your customers and customer journey. Based on your Brand Story and insights about your customer and your team, I create a Team Storytelling Strategy that allows you to share not only your brand story, but also those stories and information that make your people feel the fire in their belly and that can help them to shine.

We naturally incorporate how to embed AI copy generation in the process to ensure maximum efficiency and scalability, while maintaining human authentity at a maximum level. This is how we create a win-win for your people, your potential customers and your company.

Erwin is such a great guy to work with and really aligned with our core values. In addition to this, he really helped us with our "Growth compass" harnessing the power of storytelling. He challenged us to get the most out of our Founder and Team story to increasing employee and ultimately user engagement and advocacy.

- Anieke Lamers, Peekabond Founder

Want to learn more about my services and what I can do for you?

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